In The News

February 26, 2025
Donations Needed for Guests New Homes

Many times when our guests move out into independent living they are in need of furniture, kitchenware and general household items. You can be a part of their success!

July 26, 2022
41,000 Pounds of Chicken Donated at just the right time
February 2, 2022
Hiway 80 Prepares for More People as Winter Weather Approaches
September 15, 2021
UPDATE: New Twin Sheet Set Drive at the Mission

UPDATE: So far we have received 307 NEW SETS OF SHEETS! This is aneed that will NEVER END, so the extras that we receive will be stored, as the need will arise SOON and now we will have them. If you are still wanting to donate to this drive, we will gladly accpet this blessing and they will be put to use in no time!

Providing shelter 365 days a year, sheets get washed so frequently that they wear out very quickly! We have 250 beds Mission-wide (3 campuses) that need sheets and it is a NEED that we ALWAYS have. Thank you to EVERYONE who has donated to this need! We get them dropped off at the administrative office or get surprise calls saying that 1 set or 5 sets or even 15 sets will be arriving in the mail! EACH AND EVERY set COUNTS and makes a difference! Our Donors are AMAZING! We could not do what we do or be part of the life changing transformations through Jesus Christ that we see EVERY DAY if it were not for YOU! Sheets can be dropped off or shipped directly to the Administrative office.
Amelia Heatherly
C/O Hiway 80 Rescue Mission
3123 W. Marshall Avenue
Longview TX 75604

May 27, 2021
Pine Tree Parkway Students 'Penny War' raises money for Hiway 80 Rescue Mission.

The first and fourth graders at Parkway Elementary had a penny war, raising about $600 for the Hiway 80 Rescue Mission.

May 13, 2021
Ground Breaking at Triumph Village!

Work has begun on a new multi-purpose center and chapel at our Triumph Village campus. The multi-purpose center will be home to a commercial kitchen, dining hall, classrooms, computer lab and laundry. The chapel will be an area where we can hold services, graduations, etc. Once these buildings are complete we will be able to effectively serve twice the number of men that we can currently.

February 18, 2021
Longview shelters, community help homeless people stay safe during winter weather

When dangerously cold weather hit East Texas, Hiway 80 Rescue Mission was there for people who needed shelter from the single digits and below-zero temperatures.

February 12, 2021
Longview homeless shelters prepare for freezing temperatures, expected snow
February 10, 2021
Longview shelter residents seeking COVID-19 vaccine
January 29, 2021
Pandemic alters, limits annual Longview homeless count